Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The effects of lawn care products on your pets

By Andrew Caxton

This article talks about the effect of lawn care products on your pets. It also mentions some preventive measures you can take to protect your pets from these products when necessary.

People who own pets view lawn care products as dangerous items to be avoided at any cost. The fact is that these people feel that lawn care products are synonymous with pesticides which could impact the health of their pets adversely. The fact is that there is some ambiguity about certain lawn care products and the effect they could have on your pets. What you need to do is to undertake the right amount of research with regards to the lawn care products that could have a negative impact on your pets and then studiously avoid them.

Pets can be affected by lawn care products either if they consume it or if they touch it in some way or the other. Lawn care products either in the form of granules or liquid concentrates could be a source of harm to the pets. This happens especially when you have just applied the liquid onto your lawn and it has not had the time to dry properly. Granules that have been spilled could also be ingested by the pets. Let us have a look at the steps you should take if and when your pet actually faces exposure to these products.

You do not need to be overwhelmed with worry as consuming or absorbing these liquids and granules does not usually have serious consequences. Of course, the quantity of consumption also plays a role here. If your pet has ingested both granules and the liquid concentrate in large amounts, it could lead to toxicity but a small consumption will not have any grave side effects.

There are many cities and states that insist that a legal lawn care products application should be posted. This is to inform people that an application for the products has been done. Again, this whole procedure is just a formality to make the nearby society aware of what is happening. This is in no way related to the toxicity of the products.

When liquid concentrates have been used on your lawn, the right thing to do is to avoid going into the lawn till the liquids have dried completely. This applies to both pets and human beings. To begin with, usage of chemicals has to be restricted to the maximum extent possible. Even if it has to be used, waiting until the lawn is dry will reduce the potent effects of the chemicals on you and your pets. So, this is a precaution that you should always take after applying liquid concentrates on your lawn.

Once again, to reassure you, a mild intake or exposure will not have grave repercussions for you as well as your pets. In spite of this, caution is always advisable. When storing your products, especially those for landscaping edges, be careful that there are no spills as this could harm children and pets that come across them. - 15485

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