Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Toddler Christmas Gift ideas - Kids Tricycles - Let The Fun Begin

By Edie Mindell

You have selected your toddler's first bike. It is a sweet sassy little number complete with racing stripes and a bell. It is only 18 inches off of the ground. After the frenzied research and purchase is complete don't be tempted to think your job is done. Dreams of Christmas morning watching your child run to the toddler bike are incomplete unless your toddler is properly equipped with a helmet and other safety gear.

Why does a toddler need a helmet?

Many parents when shopping for a toddler bike forget about the helmet. The bike is only knee-high and the likelihood of serious injury may seem quite remote. Don't be one of the parents whose Christmas efforts and dreams are rewarded by a broken baby. It is very easy to see the reasoning that a tiny bike might only cause a small bump or bruise, and let's be honest, for many this is the case. The news headlines on Boxing Day are not topped with mangled and helmetless riders of toddler bikes. Yet there is an element of protection a helmet provides that will insure your child's safety.

Does a Toddler need the padding?

Toddlers have plenty of natural padding in the form of chub, but they may need a few extra layers to prevent bumps and bruises as they hit the road on their new tricycle. It seems kids these days are buckled, padded and helmeted until they can hardly see or breathe. These safety items really make a difference.

Even the most vigilant parent cannot prevent every fall, nor do they want to. It is necessary to risk a good tumble to learn how to ride a bike, even if it is a tricycle. Toddlers want to learn how to do everything by themselves. Why not give them the padding to make any falls less scary for both parent and child.

Think of it this way: your timid, yet eager child perches atop his bike ready to ride when splat! He falls off skinning his elbows or scraping his knee. This is not a serious life threatening injury, but how long and how much talking will it take to convince your child that this fancy tricycle is fun and not a toddler torture device?

Teach them young

Perhaps the more compelling reason is that of precedent. This is a toddler bike, but it is your baby's first bike. Setting the expectation of wearing a helmet and other padding protection for knees and elbows now will establish good habits. Then when your toddler somehow becomes a daredevil 8-year old rocketing up and down the street he is doing so while happily wearing the appropriate safety gear.

The first toddler bike is a big deal. Enjoy your child's Christmas present along with them and have the shiny new helmet and elbow pads with red racing stripes to complete the holiday Kodak moment. Have a safe and merry Christmas! - 15485

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