Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What it REALLY Takes to Reach Your Fitness Goals

By Marcus Martinez

Have you ever really thought about what it will take to reach your fitness goals? You might be trying to lose weight, build muscle, increase endurance; but what does it really take?

Whether I'm setting my own fitness goals, or helping the people I train to fit theirs, I always try to remember that a new routine, piece of equipment, nor supplement will really make it happen. What will make it happen is intense, hard work.

It takes a constant push towards improving yourself by giving everything you've got every time. It's about setting your fitness goal, visualizing it, and then doing whatever it takes to get there.

Taking it easy when you do your workout will not help you reach your fitness goals. You need to train hard every single time! If the workout seems easy (meaning that you are not breathing hard or sweating) you're not going to reach your fitness goals.

The majority of people don't workout hard enough to ever reach their fitness goals. If you want to reach your goals, you need to take your body past where it has been. If you repeat the same routine every time, with the same lack if intensity, expect to have less-than-acceptable results. Instead, sprint an extra mile, do that extra kettlebell swing, and choose the heavier dumbbell every single time you workout.

Whatever it is, push yourself harder, heavier and more efficiently and you will see results, guaranteed. There is no magic pill, nutritional supplement or super food that can do that for you. My unfortunate dose of reality is that changing your body is a grind where mental and physical weakness must be conquered and the result is a body you can be proud of. - 15485

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