Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Find Commercial Truck Insurance

By Steve Turner

If you are willing to search around a bit, you can usually get competitive commercial truck insurance rates. However, if you are able to acquire a basic knowledge on how your information is assessed, you can greatly reduce your costs. Here are a few tips on how to save money.

It is always a sound practice to go with a company experienced in dealing with commercial truck insurance. They are able to give you cheaper rates that their competitors because of their standing with their insurance providers.

Most people think that trucking insurance is like auto insurance in that the age of the vehicle matters. This is not true. Insurance companies look at the condition of the vehicle first because age doesn't really affect the safety of the truck.

Before your truck can be insured, it is required that you get an inspection for the Department of Transportation. From this inspection they can determine how safe your truck is, and hence what kind of premium they are able to offer you. If you maintain your vehicle in good condition, you will be able to save a lot of money on your insurance.

The safer you are one the road, the better the insurance premiums you can receive. Something as insignificant as a "wide turns" sign, or any other writing on the truck that make it safer will save you money. Safety is the most important factor in your insurance.

Besides the safety of your truck, the insurance company will also look at how safely you drive. If you are an experienced driver with a clean driving record, you will be able to save money. However, a tarnished driving record will result in the opposite.

Perhaps the most important advice in shopping around for insurance is to work through a broker. Because they work with many different companies, they are almost always able to save you money, and a lot of it. Truckers who change to insurance brokers usually save hundreds of dollars a year. - 15485

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