Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Truth About 'Dream Dinner'

By Peter Hallway

To some folks a dream dinner might be any decent food they can get for free. Dream Dinners is also a speedily rising food franchise business. It involves locations where people can go to cook according to menus, then take the food home to serve throughout the month. Yes, you're likely keep on saying?why didn't I come up with that one??

People are very busy today. Eating well at home is seemly more and more difficult . Even the terrific pre-made food available today in stores isn't quite the same as home cooking. When the agenda is full, however, will people give up their jobs or their home made meals? That's where this franchise comes into the picture.

The programme works like this. Patrons go in and select some or all of 14 meals from a menu. Number of servings determines value of each meal. Then they cook it while still at the shop. Cooking experts supervise in either private or normal cooking sessions. It's a little bit like a cooking show where the show gives the audience the food then helps them prepare it together with the host.

It's not as costly as it sounds. The more people purchase the more they save, so all 14 meals are about $3.5 per serving not reckoning sides and other items like salads. A total of about $5 per serving isn't a tough value to pay for a good meal. That's a great deal for the food addition the cooking instruction

These locations are franchises people own. It has its problems. The food and menus are fine, but the franchise owners may have a problem. Forbes Magazine profiled Dream Dinners in March 28. But, the story is conferred from a different side of angle. It expanded very quickly, attracting entrepreneurs with its unique concept. But many of the franchisees lost their shirts after only a short time, which meant the business plan may be flawed. Forbes claims the franchisees were sold a account of goods when it came to the claims of wild success.

Let the franchisees and the company worry about the controversy, for the Dream Dinners is just what the chef ordered. That concludes this article, I hope you found the information helpful. - 15485

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