Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Lucrative People Search Niche

By Samantha Carterson

Nearly 30% of all searches performed on Google and Yahoo are people searches. Check it out for yourself. Do a search for "people search" and see how many results you get. People searching is very popular. People perform searches for a variety of reasons -- maybe to look for a lost friend or relative, or maybe just to check somebody out. But regardless, the market for this niche is huge.

So what do you have to do to break into this niche? Well, you could spend a few years creating your own site and database, but that wouldn't appeal to most folks, me either. So I suggest you join an affiliate program to cash in on this very hot people search market. By the way, I am a natural-born skeptic with a capital "S", so I searched to find someone who is making a lot of money in this business. And I found one. Tissa Godavitarne is a big player in this industry who earned $1.6 million in profits in 2007 from affiliate commissions, and he's still going strong. But don't take my word for it. If you're ever in the Washington D.C. area, you can visit his office, and he'll show you the proof. Or you can call him -- the number is right on his website.

Okay, you join, then what? How are you going to make money from a free people search site? Well, the search engine should have several links embedded in it to provide you the income you deserve. Those links should go to subscription sites as well as advertising sites like Adsense plus maybe other affiliate programs to provide you with multiple income streams. So make sure you choose the right affiliate program. With the right program you will make money

What do I do to get people to visit my site? How can I effectively market my people search engine? Well, the most effective marketing is with Google and Yahoo ads, but if you choose the right affiliate program, they might throw in some free advertising for you. I know of at least one that does that. And it's really essential that your affiliate program provide you with good training, as well. After all, they are making money, so they know what works and what doesn't. Ad campaigns do not have to be expensive to work.

I've told you what I know about the people search niche. I wish you success in whatever online business you pursue. - 15485

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