Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On Average Women Apply 175 Chemicals Daily in the Name of Beauty

By Jemma Rivera

Most women are not aware of all the harmful chemicals that they apply to their skin on a daily basis. And this is not just happening once a day, but generally twice or more. You may not realize that the products you grew up using to keep your skin healthy could actually be making matters worse.

Did you know that many beauty products that are used every day could be dangerous or cause skin damage? There are even toothpastes manufactured with such poor ingredients that they have been shown to be a health risk.

All of the above-mentioned products enter your body through your skin just as medicinal patches do. When you apply skin cream, it slowly seeps through your skin and enters your blood stream and this is why you should be very careful with which products you use on your entire body.

If you were to break down some of the products that you use on a daily basis to see exactly what chemicals are involved, you would no doubt be surprised. Chemicals found in many scented products we use can have ill effects on many people. This can include ailments such as allergic rashes, sneezing, headaches, hyperactivity, irritability, depression and even skin discoloration.

Other symptoms have also been reported like dizziness, vomiting and cold like symptoms. Remember we are only talking about the fragrance chemicals at this point. The key ingredients begin to look more ominous by the minute.

With all these possible ill effects from some of the minor ingredients in the products that we use daily, it is no wonder that more people are seeking out all natural alternatives. By going with all natural products, you lessen your chances of having to deal with the symptoms listed above.

The up side will be healthy skin and peace of mind when you throw away your chemical based products for natural ones. There will be a glow to your skin and a spring in your step and that acne you have battled for years can begin to clear up.

The companies who make your favourite products have begun to see the move from chemical based creams to natural ones, and they are paying attention. Many new productions are coming out with natural elements added to them. Switch to all natural products for a healthier body and better skin. - 15485

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