Sunday, December 28, 2008

Will You Fight For Freedom In Your Network Marketing Business?

By Carlos Alston

You might have heard this quote before but here it is again: "There are three kinds of people in the world - those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what the heck has just happened!" Which one are you?

I find only a few people fall into the first category even though they may be saying something different. Even though there are different kinds of freedom, time, financial, etc, theres something you should know about freedom...

Freedom AIN'T FREE! That's right. You have to be willing fight for it. Our ancestors fought for the right to be free from tyrannical oppression. In network marketing, we are fighting a very different kind of war one that affects our lifestyle our way of life.

The American economy currently sucks as are other world economies right now. Investors and banks are curtailing lending out of fear. Customers are spending less. If you don't FIGHT HARD right now hard for your lifestyle (using network marketing as an example) you could wind up being swept away by the crushing financial tide.

What are you willing to give up for your network marketing business for the lifestyle you want for you and your family? We have a lot of things that make our lives easier like microwaves, cable 'on-demand' TV, email etc. But better technology doesn't necessarily equal a change in overall lifestyle and a lot of these things have actually made it easier to work longer hours for the same or less pay at the job.

Today, with the rising levels of stress in our relationships and our job its even more important to use your network marketing business to fight for the life you want. Unless working being hyper productive for someone else is fulfilling for you. But I can't say I recall anyone drawing in their last deathbed breath wondering if they should have spent even more time at their office.

So, after all this, the question is still... Are you putting in the necessary effort in and on your network marketing business change your life? At the end of each day, can you say that you worked hard enough to attain your freedom goals? How badly do you want your freedom? - 15485

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