Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What Is The Best Activity To Reduce Stress?

By Don Raemond

Yes, I know exercise is not the an exciting subject to talk about. But it will help you reduce stress, which will improve your sense of well being and lead to a more enjoyable life. If you have avoided exercising, just getting started is the most difficult part.

Reducing stress is a good reason to get the ball rolling. Think about how often you've heard someone say about an ailment, "it's just stress related". People have a tendency to laugh stress off, but the truth is, too much stress in your life can lead to illness and disease. So an exercise program to reduce stress should be one of THE most important priorities in your life.

Exercise will help strengthen your immune system and bring your stress level down. Even simple activities like stretching, walking, jogging or hiking will strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles and increase your endurance.

Walking might be easiest exercise choice for most of us. You don't need a membership and you can do it in a short period of time. Walking can be a lot of fun, especially if you have a partner to go on walks with you. You can enjoy some good conversation while you walk. Doing it with a friend will make walking something you'll look forward to doing.

Slowly increase the intensity of your walking workout to increase the health benefits. Pick up the pace and walk a bit farther each week. Walking can be the best overall activity for your health if you do it properly. That means pushing yourself so you maintain your target heart rate for 20 minutes or so. If you don't know your target heart rate, you can easily find it online. Buy a good quality heart rate monitor if you don't have one.

Before you start your daily walk, make sure to do some basic stretching to loosen up the muscles in your shoulders, neck and legs. This will get your blood flowing help you avoid injuries.

You could get involved in a variety of activities to help reduce stress. But walking is simple, exhilarating, and it doesn't cost you a cent. It's one of the few activities that allows you to get your workout done very quickly, and that's important if you have a busy schedule. You can stretch and walk, in about 30 minutes. I think you would agree that you can find a 1/2 hour each day for an activity that will make you happier and healthier.

Even if you have to settle for a short walk occasionally, the exercise and socializing will definitely reduce stress over time. So grab a pair of comfy shoes and a heart rate monitor, and walk as often as you can. It will reduce stress levels, and it will make you feel wonderful. - 15485

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