Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Truth About Non Prescription Contact Lens

By Kaye Fretz

There are a lot of people who would want to get non prescription contact lens pairs. This is because contact lenses are now not just intended to correct vision. They can also be effective fashion statements and cosmetic enhancers. The question though is whether it truly is possible to get contact lenses without a prescription.

What Non Prescription Means

The term non prescription lens is often misunderstood. This is because many people who do seek prescription are those with vision and eye problems. Eye doctors may prescribe contact lenses to correct your vision or provide therapy for your eyes. This does not mean though that those who do not have vision problems and want to get contacts can dispense with the prescription. FDA guidelines state that even non corrective decorative lenses should come with a prescription. Non prescription lenses simply mean that they aren't meant to correct vision but to improve your appearance instead.

Dangers of Buying Without Prescription

There are reasons why non corrective lenses still require a prescription. One reason is that the eye sizes of different people differ. You would need to have your eyes fitted and measured before you can get the right lenses. You could suffer from some consequences if you get the wrong lenses. Aside from minor irritation, there is also the danger of possible eye scarring which could lead to blindness.

Despite the existence of a rule for lens prescription, there are still people who buy and sell lenses without a prescription. You only have to go to the internet to find a variety of lenses being sold prescription free. You should understand though that you could damage your eyes without a prescription.

Uses of Non Prescription

The reason why non prescription lenses are so popular is because they are fun to use. You can increase your confidence by improving your appearance with these lenses. If you have light colored eyes, you can enhance their color by wearing color enhancers. There are also opaque lenses that can change both light and dark colored eyes into another color.

There are of course, theatrical lenses that are a category on their own. You can wear these to costume parties, drama plays or simply on a casual day out. You can enjoy sporting cat's eyes, ghost eyes, vampire eyes and a whole lot more.

Shopping for Lenses

You can make shopping for decorative lenses faster and easier. You can search on the internet or in shops for the exact color or design that you want. You can then ask your doctor about the possibility of prescribing you those lenses. You could also shop for various discounted lens brands and ask your doctor about the advisability of wearing certain cheap brands.

Non prescription contact lens products are just fantastic. You are sure to have a great experience with a new set of colored eyes. It is important though to always remember your personal eye health when you shop for lenses. - 15485

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