Sunday, December 28, 2008

To Do Article Marketing or Not To Do Article Marketing

By Brent Sweet

If you have any knowledge about your field then you can make article marketing work for you. Any person in SEO or other fields would agree that article marketing is the best way to get your site listed in the search engines. There is a large impact in search engine results, I use it all the time. If you have some extra time in a day, then I would say write an article and submit it all over the internet. Then track your results.

You can get eBooks all over the internet to help you get started in article marketing. Some eBooks train you to write persuasive articles, while others teach you to use my methods. I let my website do the selling, but I use articles to help promote my website, especially to move it up in the results in the search engines. My articles are just informative pieces that people may want to use for content on their websites.

There is only one great way to drive free traffic to your websites and that is through search engine rankings. People get on search engines looking for information and then sometimes buy, either way it is a great way to build your brand. You can only get limited traffic from articles because there are so many on the internet. Article marketing however will allow you to promote your site in the search engines, so the writing is not a complete waste of time. If you are trying to promote affiliate links through posting a bunch of articles, however, without a website you are simply wasting your time.

I saw rewards of article marketing within 3 weeks of writing articles. I have written a lot of articles and I continue to do it. There is no way to just write one article and get the results you want, if you are persistent, however you will receive rewards. The rewards come quickly. The key is to write as many articles as you can and find an efficient way to submit them, so you can spend your time pumping out articles. Be an expert in your field, and live with passion. - 15485

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