I have two very simple answers to the above question. First off if you are going to start a new business, and you have not registered a domain name, then I would suggest you register a domain name that has your keywords in it. I would recommend separating multiple keywords with hyphens. The reason that it is a good idea is because when people link to you in a natural manner, they may put your domain as the anchor text. If you have the keywords in your domain, then your anchor text will be guaranteed to be your keywords.
A good example is Hotels.com. The Hotels.com site ranks in the first position for the keyword hotels, which is probably one of the most competitive terms on the internet. I believe they rank so high for this word because most of their links contain the word hotels. People who naturally link to them use the anchor text hotels.com which contains their major keyword. When you register the domain that has your keywords in the text, your anchor text in natural links will always be what you want it to be.
Now the other thing is if you have already registered your domain, please don't go buy a new one with your keywords in it. The basic answer is that Google gives no preference to sites with the keywords in the domain. Just because you do not have the keywords in your domain, does not mean that you will not rank well for those key words. It only means that when people naturally link to you, you may not get the anchor text you want.
This has been proven by my newest site http://www.article-submission-express.com. So far every link that I have received has the anchor text article submissions. At the time of writing this article I rank on page 11 for article submission, but I am not ranked at all for article submission which is in my domain. Since I only focus on one keyword at a time, even against the advice of my guru friends, I will not be ranked for the keywords in my domain for some time. I like to follow the principles of the human mind, since the goal of search engines is to be as human as possible. Humans can focus on only one thing at a time, therefore my optimization efforts also focus on one thing at a time. I feel that this concentration of my focus will allow me to eventually rank for every major keyword I want, and allow me to monitor each individual one. Thus assuring that ranking for one doesn't hurt my rankings for other keywords.
So to conclude my article, if you already registered your domain, that is fantastic. Leave that domain exacly as is. Do not go out and get another domain because your domain doesn't have keywords in it. If you do this you could even get your site penalized if Google sees the same content on the two domains. They have duplicate content filters, which is why my article submission methods are so effective. Just stick to that domain and do things like article submission to a bunch of directories with your keywords in the anchor text. These are all one way links that will only help you, and you set the anchor text. - 15485
A good example is Hotels.com. The Hotels.com site ranks in the first position for the keyword hotels, which is probably one of the most competitive terms on the internet. I believe they rank so high for this word because most of their links contain the word hotels. People who naturally link to them use the anchor text hotels.com which contains their major keyword. When you register the domain that has your keywords in the text, your anchor text in natural links will always be what you want it to be.
Now the other thing is if you have already registered your domain, please don't go buy a new one with your keywords in it. The basic answer is that Google gives no preference to sites with the keywords in the domain. Just because you do not have the keywords in your domain, does not mean that you will not rank well for those key words. It only means that when people naturally link to you, you may not get the anchor text you want.
This has been proven by my newest site http://www.article-submission-express.com. So far every link that I have received has the anchor text article submissions. At the time of writing this article I rank on page 11 for article submission, but I am not ranked at all for article submission which is in my domain. Since I only focus on one keyword at a time, even against the advice of my guru friends, I will not be ranked for the keywords in my domain for some time. I like to follow the principles of the human mind, since the goal of search engines is to be as human as possible. Humans can focus on only one thing at a time, therefore my optimization efforts also focus on one thing at a time. I feel that this concentration of my focus will allow me to eventually rank for every major keyword I want, and allow me to monitor each individual one. Thus assuring that ranking for one doesn't hurt my rankings for other keywords.
So to conclude my article, if you already registered your domain, that is fantastic. Leave that domain exacly as is. Do not go out and get another domain because your domain doesn't have keywords in it. If you do this you could even get your site penalized if Google sees the same content on the two domains. They have duplicate content filters, which is why my article submission methods are so effective. Just stick to that domain and do things like article submission to a bunch of directories with your keywords in the anchor text. These are all one way links that will only help you, and you set the anchor text. - 15485
About the Author:
Brent Sweet is an expert on SEO. Brent has recently started various sites to test methods recommended in training by the SEO "gurus." Brent has separated out the several functions to find out what methods work the best. If you would like to being promoting your site like his sites simply visit his site for Article Submissions. You can also follow his actions at hisSEO Blog