Anyone can create a website these days. Someone with just a small idea in their brain, can look towards the world wide web as an avenue to make a personal website and vent whatever is on their mind. With all the free web hosting sites available, why not have strongly held opinions out for the world to see. Typing in "my homepage" into a search engine will yield over 7 million pages complete with animated GIFs to view. Most of these sites will rarely get more than a hundred hits in their lifetime.
What they fail to realize is the pure stagnation of their material. It is obvious they are not writers and most are written in very informal formats. Many times it looks like a conversation amongst friends as opposed to a well thought out, written book. However, is this wrong?
Wrong. Their adorable overused template and WYSISYG HTML editor in hand, they set out to make their own site. The barrier to entry is nonexistent. Templates so often used many have a subliminal reflex to close the window on sight.
In addition, businesses create sites that serve no purpose. Although they have the resources, they haven't the direction. They make weak attempts to sale product to those accidentally stumbling by and are really only trying to get a piece of the already thin cake. Most people that visit these sites are uninterested to begin with.
Then those that have the point, but lack the resources. Web design is hard work, especially in a largely information driven society. A poor choice here or there and the site is painful to use. Navigation is awkward. The color scheme burns fatigue into their eyes in minutes as they try to make things flashier and flashier and miss the simplicity that a site should have.
And what happens to those who happen to have a good idea for a service or legitimately interesting topic? They leap before looking in the sea of billions of pages of those with the same idea. They make their great masterpiece and are never heard from again. What went wrong? Planning. They never thought of what they would do next or simply gave up, not having the true will to ever see the task to completion. Annoying as they may be to entrepreneurs, barriers to entry are a good thing. They keep out those who are not truly ready.
A lot of people do not realize the hardwork involved in creating a good webpage. There is writing, coding, testing, drawing attention to the site, and most important, a good concept. In addition, there must be will power to see the project through to the end. Good website creation may take a year before seeing any type of measurable results and many fail prior to this.
They begin to create the site, give up and are left with random pictures of their pet, a few voiced opinions, or a service that will never be utilized. If the proper conditions and planning are not there to create a good website, people should not try in the first place. - 15485
What they fail to realize is the pure stagnation of their material. It is obvious they are not writers and most are written in very informal formats. Many times it looks like a conversation amongst friends as opposed to a well thought out, written book. However, is this wrong?
Wrong. Their adorable overused template and WYSISYG HTML editor in hand, they set out to make their own site. The barrier to entry is nonexistent. Templates so often used many have a subliminal reflex to close the window on sight.
In addition, businesses create sites that serve no purpose. Although they have the resources, they haven't the direction. They make weak attempts to sale product to those accidentally stumbling by and are really only trying to get a piece of the already thin cake. Most people that visit these sites are uninterested to begin with.
Then those that have the point, but lack the resources. Web design is hard work, especially in a largely information driven society. A poor choice here or there and the site is painful to use. Navigation is awkward. The color scheme burns fatigue into their eyes in minutes as they try to make things flashier and flashier and miss the simplicity that a site should have.
And what happens to those who happen to have a good idea for a service or legitimately interesting topic? They leap before looking in the sea of billions of pages of those with the same idea. They make their great masterpiece and are never heard from again. What went wrong? Planning. They never thought of what they would do next or simply gave up, not having the true will to ever see the task to completion. Annoying as they may be to entrepreneurs, barriers to entry are a good thing. They keep out those who are not truly ready.
A lot of people do not realize the hardwork involved in creating a good webpage. There is writing, coding, testing, drawing attention to the site, and most important, a good concept. In addition, there must be will power to see the project through to the end. Good website creation may take a year before seeing any type of measurable results and many fail prior to this.
They begin to create the site, give up and are left with random pictures of their pet, a few voiced opinions, or a service that will never be utilized. If the proper conditions and planning are not there to create a good website, people should not try in the first place. - 15485
About the Author:
Stephen Grisham, Sr. is a Staff Writer for InfoServe Media, a business website design company that provides custom web design. Visit today, or call 1 (800) 838-2203 for a free quote.