Sunday, December 28, 2008

Multiple Streams of Income or Multiple ways to rip you off?

By Amber Pierson

Multiple streams of income have been around since the 1950's! It is the money making technique that many successful business people have used for years. The problem is that many internet marketers have twisted this around to favor them ripping you off and justifying it to themselves so they can sleep at night. Allow me to explain.

Many multiple income stream marketers market products. Whether it be a new software program, affiliate program or training tool. Meaning, if they knew how to produce incomes selling one product, why not duplicate those efforts and sell many products.

Now a days, we have so many fools running wild out there who are taking this concept of multiple income streams to multiple ways to rip you off. I call them program jumpers. On the surface, they seem like experts. They will tell you everything you want to hear. You might even want to work with these people as they are so smooth in their approach to rip you off. Heck, you might even end up liking them. They might even back up their story by holding training calls, giving away free marketing tools such as lead capture pages and auto responder messages. They may call themselves trainers or master affiliates or master distributors. Be Careful out there and use common sense.

Do you know who Jeff Foxworthy is? He is comedian famous for the joke"You know you're a redneck, if.." He also hosts the very popular TV show called "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". Ok, I call this test the Jeff Foxworthy test and it goes like this. You know you're a program jumper and rip off artist if..

If they have joined and promoted 3, 4 or more internet programs in one year.

If they tell you things like, Get in NOW, It's brand new or "My Favorite Rip off Line" It's in pre launch and is going to be the biggest thing since sliced bread.

They tell you, I am so big on the internet, that companies look for me to help them launch their company.

If they have a portfolio of more than 3-4 programs for you to choose from.

If some of those programs are very similar.

If they tell you things like I am only passing on the information, because if it is hot and new, I am going to be the first to hear about and help get the word out.

These are classic traps these rip off artists use, so be careful out there and use common sense. There are companies out there that have multiple streams of income built into one company. They have stable track records of solid growth and are run by respected internet marketers on the net, who have mastered multiple streams of income. I am not here to try to sell you on something, but I do wish to let you know that in order for you to make money you need to invest a little time before you jump into any business online of offline. I invite you to use your common sense and check each of them out knowing what you know now. - 15485

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