Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to Burn Wii Games on a blank disc!

By Cam Halladay

If you're someone who has a Nintendo Wii, you might have wondered if it's possible to make copies of Wii games. We hear this question a lot so today we're going to show you how you can copy Wii games.

If you want to copy a Wii game, you can't do it using your ordinary computer software. This is because ordinary software can't read game discs. It might sound funny, but your computer just can't make sense of the data on the disc at first. You will need special software for this function.

As you probably have already guessed, there are software companies that have developed programs that can get past this protection. By installing the software, all of a sudden your computer can read the disc and produce copies.

An important note - Software companies who develop these kinds of programs intended it for legal production of Wii games. If you purchase a Wii game and you want to copy it for backup purposes only, you can legally use this software. This article isn't promoting any illegal production of games.

How do you use the software?

Anyone who has burnt a CD will not find it difficult to make a copy of the game. Once the software is installed, you don't have to do much in order to burn xbox games.

Just insert the game in your computer and wait till the system makes an "image" of the disc. This image will get transferred to any blank disc that you put inside now. That's it! Your copy is ready - it's as easy as "point and click".

When you purchase a software program like this, make sure that you get a moneyback guarantee. This just gives you a little piece of mind on the offchance the program doesn't work on your computer.

Also, don't pay anymore than $40. For around this price you can get a top-notch program that you can start using within minutes. - 15485

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