Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Easily Pack Appliances And Garage For Storage

By The Affordable Storage Guy

Greetings! Here are some more excellent ideas on how to pack your appliances and ranch items for storage.

To begin, make sure that your large appliances are clean, dry and that all moving pieces are securely fastened. Make sure your smaller appliances are cleaned as well and, as long as they are well protected with padding, they can be packed together in a box.

You can keep your electrical cords neat and tidy by taping them to the appliances they belong to. if there is any risk of the knobs being damaged or lost during the move, take them off and store them in a plastic bag.

Washing machines - The first step is to make sure that they are dry. Be sure to drain all water from the hoses. does then, prevent damage during moving, wedge padding between the tub and the sides of the washer.

Dishwashers - Again, make sure that all water has been drained from the hoses and the interior of the dishwasher. Make sure all movable parts are wrapped or taped so that their secure during the move.

Stove - After the stove has been cleaned and disconnected, remove all of the pans and racks and wrapped them separately. Finally, if you're worried about the burners or elements, you can use some tape to hold them in place.

Freezers and Refrigerators - Allow approximately 3 days for defrosting and cleaning. Although the doors should be taped shut during the move, they should be kept slightly open when in storage to prevent mildew. It's okay to put pillows and other light things inside them during the move.

Electronic Equipment - Ideally, you still have the original boxes. They are the best ones to use again. However, wrapping and safely in bubble wrap or foam is okay too. Drawn picture or take a photo of where the cables go and store it inside the same box as the piece of equipment. You'll be glad you did when it comes time to hook it back up again.

Garage - You should drain all gasoline and oil from your machines. don't forget to disconnect batteries, too. Bundle all the rakes, hoes and shovels together with twine or tape.

Sports Equipment - If you would like to keep the big items like skis and snowboards clean while in storage, put them in large mattress bags. Of course the smaller items can all fit into boxes. (I always put my ski boots in a separate box just so they don't take up space in my closet during the summer.)

Bikes - If you're going to leave your items in storage for a long time, you should make sure that the chain has got some fresh oil on it. If space is an issue you can remove the petals and seat and turn the handle bars in as well. Sometimes storage units do get dusty and if you'd like to keep your bike clean, you should put it in a box or store it in a plastic mattress bag. - 15485

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