Saturday, December 27, 2008

Choosing A Suit Color Made Easy

By Victor Santerino

Choosing a suit color is one of the most overlooked areas in the quest for the perfect suit. This is because many men choose a suit color based on what color they like looking at rather than what color looks best on them or which color is best for the situation.

Reading this article will give you a much better handle on how to choose a suit color. You will read about body types, occasions, and skin colors and how they relate to choosing a color for yourself. Black, brown, tan, gray, and blue will be focused on throughout this article.

Wearing a black suit to a funeral is a must. It is also usable in office situations and formal events such as award ceremonies. Men with slender bodies and extremely pale skin should try and stay away from this color as it has a tendency to make them look frail.

Wearing a blue suit to an interview with a red tie is known as the "power suit". This makes this suit ideal for interviews and everyday business wear. Lean body types with lightly colored skin look best in this suit.

Brown suits have become slightly unpopular over the past decade or so. However, this suit still looks great on medium to dark skin colors and works well with all body types. Men looking to make a statement without appearing too flashy should pick up a nice brown suit.

The gray suit is a staple for any mans wardrobe. This suit comes in varying shades of gray but if you can only buy one make sure it is charcoal gray. Men with medium builds look best in this color. All skin shades look fantastic in this color on any day of the week.

The tan suit is a nice suit for spring and summer weather. This suit can be worn to outdoor social events and less formal office settings. Men with large builds or light skin colors should avoid this suit as it is not very flattering for them.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Use the knowledge of this article to help aid you in your next suit purchase and you will be glad you did. - 15485

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