Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Big Ticket To Wealth Teaches How To Video Market

By Joshua Valentine

Big Ticket To Wealth offers many ways to successfully market your business. Here is a warning for all new marketers. Do not jump into your first online venture with an aggressive pay per click campaign. A proper pay per click campaign takes knowledge and and understanding. Many newbies jump in with the desire to make money online fast and assume the best way to do this is through pay per click advertising. While this is an effective way to market your business it is also a sure fire way to drain your budget quickly if you have minimal knowledge.

Video marketing! What is this? Look at the recent purchase of Youtube by Google for over 1 Billion dollars. Guys, what does this tell you? Video is huge! Here are some statistics that recently heard, I am not sure how true this is but it sounds about right, I heard that 52% of all internet traffic is video. On top of that the average Youtube viewer watches 27 minutes of video a day. (Probably when they are at their desk and should be working.)

It is not just herd mentality that is making more and more people jump on the video bandwagon. It is because it is the most viable advertising method. A quality video, that explains the benefits that will accrue form the business, becharms the customer. The number of people who could watch a marketer's good video runs into thousands. Even if half of them would click on the link that leads to Big Ticket To Wealth website, it would be a rich harvest.

Simple and easy to follow plan. Set you account in Youtube today, commit to making one short video a day, embed your web site right in the video so all that watch it will see your Big Ticket To Wealth Website, post your video, rinse and repeat.

Follow this simple plan of action for 90 days, include your targeted keywords as tags on your video and sit back as you start to make money online. - 15485

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