Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Practical Guide On Credit Counseling

By Don Pedro

We all make mistakes; no one is perfect. However, we can learn to limit the number of mistakes that we make by listening to other people. Some of them can give us helpful advice, especially if they are professionals. Like credit counselors; America needs more of them to help keep our finances organized.

Tired of being an all time loser? It's high time you saw a credit counselor. Well, he's a regular guy like you, except that he knows a little more about credits and debts than you do. With his advice you just might turn your life around.

Credit counselors are on the increase in the United States today because a lot of people are realizing that obtaining credit is the way to proceed. A lot of folks are also acknowledging that they are unable to make some technical maneuvers by themselves, and so they turn to the credit counselors.

When things are not going the way they are meant to, sometimes what you need is to get counseling from someone who knows better. When things are not going too good on the revenue front, what you need to do is get credit counseling. It just makes sense, doesn't it?

Do you need your creditor to like you again, especially after you have faulted payments on your account for a couple of months? If yes, then that's why you need credit counseling to draw up that debt management plan that can cause them to rethink your position. It might take a bit of time, but inevitably they can give you a fresh start.

1993 saw the realization of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies, AICCCA. It was designed to complement the work of its longtime forerunner, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, NFCC, with better transparency and accountability. In addition, it was meant to foster more of telephone delivery and debt management. Good thing it's working.

One thing that allows counseling agencies to advertise and boast to their customers is that they are often able to get you interests from banks at reduced rates. Now instead of a couple of decades, you can pay all back in a matter of months. But this could never have happened if you hadn't had that credit counseling.

Prior to filing for bankruptcy, you need to be getting credit counseling. In the United States, it actually is law. Even after the filing of your bankruptcy, you still need some debtor education credit counseling sessions or else your request is thrown out of the door.

What you do with your life is up to you. You could get credit counseling and your life would change altogether, or you could sit back and wait for a miracle. Miracles do happen, even in this day and age, but what are the odds? Besides, what's to say that the credit counseling is not already a miracle waiting to happen?

To pay off a large amount of debt, at some of those high interest rates that many credit banks charge, you could still be at it twenty years into the future. A good way to sidetrack all that is to get a debt management plan from your credit counselor so that your creditor can charge you less. - 15485

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