Monday, October 27, 2008

Types Of Quick And Easy Loans Available For All

By Chris Channing

It may seem like loans take awhile to process, and they are anything but quick and easy. That doesn't have to be the case though. Many different loans are fast and easy, and give you the chance to get some cash without the hassle of waiting hours, days, or weeks.

Payday loans are the most commonly used quick and easy loans available. They have high interest rates, but they can be given to anyone, even if you have poor credit scoring. You get charged a fee per $100 you borrow. You must borrow a minimum of $100 and a maximum of $2,000 is usually given out. It depends heavily upon your preferences and the company that you are getting a loan from. These loans are definitely a last resort loan for emergencies.

Small loans from your personal bank are also considered quick and easy loans. You can walk in and walk out with a loan in hand. These loans are also lower in interest, but you may need very good credit to get them. These small loans are usually less than $1,000, and should also be paid off relatively early on.

Credit cards are another great way to get a quick and easy loan. Most companies now offer a cash advanced, which works as a type of loan. Cash advances can be withdrawn from any ATM machine, at any time. These come in handy if you need a loan or cash before banks or businesses open, or on a holiday when offices are closed. Cash advances through credit card banks may have different interest policies. Make sure you fully understand the requirements before using a cash advance.

Another type of quick and easy loan is an unsecured loan. These do not require collateral, so your home or car is not at risk. They may have higher interest, however, but you get them quickly with little risk on your side.

There are a few other types of quick and easy loans; such as home equity loans and mortgages. Quick loans usually do not require perfect credit, but having a good credit score and massively reduce the amount of interest that you will have to pay. Quick and easy loans are best suited if you need emergency cash funds.

Closing Comments

Before signing a contract for any quick and easy loan option, make sure you fully understand the companies terms of service. - 15485

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