Friday, January 2, 2009

Why Finishing is Important for Wooden Building?

By Haus Rubner

Why finishing? It was done especially for reinforcing walls and to protect them from environmental impact. And more importantly, finishing can create a decorative look to wall surfaces. This article will help you learn how finishing can play an important role.

In the distant past, round logs with bark were used for houses only because the bark had the capacity of heat insulation. Before the introduction of moss, it was clay material getting used to fill the gaps between logs.

For the purpose of finishing in cribbed and framework houses, the method of plastering and sheeting was used. If you peep into the houses of the fourteenth century, you will find that threads were clothed with clay on the both sides of the walls. Moreover, wall sealing with moss was proved to be more effective in cribbed walls. This is the reason for the gradual disappearance of plastering traditions.

With the course of the time, the board lining and planking came in to existence in Lithuania. The framework house-buildings lathed with wide oak boards were there. Such way of planking increased its popularity in traditionalist manorial buildings. Vertical boards with strips were then generally used

Your desire of adding the aesthetical value to the walls can depend on the finishing of the structural parts just as beams, rafters and cornices. Log ends in partitions were often completed in a range of decorative profiles for instance cross, rhomb, oval etc.

For the purpose of wall finishing, half-hipped roofs are often decorated with covering of diverse patterns. In some of the regions of South and Central Lithuania, gable roofs were prevailing and the roof vaults were given prior importance.

Now you can adorn your building components such as porches, walls, ends of beams and rafters, doors, window rimming and rooftop components and so on. Adornment and finishing both are related directly to the development in construction method and implementation of new equipments and materials. This is the reason for combining function with aesthetics and beauty with benefits. - 15485

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