Friday, January 2, 2009

Ted Kennedy Digs In On Health Care For All

By Ethan Kalvin

Now that Democrats hold a commanding lead in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House, Senator Kennedy's life long support for universal health care is more likely to come to fruition.

For most of Kennedy's career, he has been a strong supporter of universal health care/universal health insurance, reports the Boston Globe. And with Democrats holding overwhelming control in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House, health care reform in Kennedy's vision is more than likely.

Thats why Kennedy has decided he'll step down from the Judiciary Chairmanship and concentrate all his energy as the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I intend to make the most of it", said Senator Kennedy. Kennedys announcement really underscores that Congressional Democrats see the next two (and maybe more) years in power of Washington as a wide-open door to sweeping health reform in the way they've been dreaming about for decades.

A single-payer health care system may not be likely in the near future. But mandated health care and heavy regulation on health insurance companies is a likely product of the current rumblings in Congress.

Like we've said before, there's little or no chance of the United States ever switching to a single-payer health care system, but mandated health insurance and heavy regulation on health insurance companies is more likely then ever before. - 15485

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