Friday, January 2, 2009

Prospecting Your Warm Market Without Losing Them

By MLMAbsolute

Doing MLM or Network Marketing is people's business. You need to talk to people to promote your product. Most commonly, in the beginning when you start the business, you will approach your warm market first. Your warm market is a good market to kick start your MLM/ Network Marketing business, because they know you and they have a certain trust level in you.

But how do you approach them in order to make them feel comfortable with you and feel open about you trying to get a sale from them?

Warm up your friend of family before going straight into topic. Ask about them, show concern. Open up the topic by telling them you just changed your job or took up a new sideline. You can let them know that you will tell them more about it when you meet up, you can arrange a meeting with them from here.

If you wish to visit them at their house or work place, remember to make an appointment and tell them of your intent to visit them. Also, it will be nice if you bring a house visit gift (if it is a friend or relative you haven't met for a long time), if you are meeting them outside at a cafe or restaurant, offer to pay. Although it is not necessary, but it would reflect better on you.

Don't just jump into selling your company and product straight away. Ask leading question to go into the topic proper smoothly.

Show them your progress in the company, and give them reassurance that you are serious in the business and is here to stay. Follow with the introduction of the product or business opportunity.

Even if they don't buy your idea in the end, you should update them your progress in the company and any new product launches or offers. Send them updates via text message, direct mail to their address or an email.

It is ok if they are not convinced by you. Do not be too persistent in closing them. Tell them you respect their point of view and leave things as it is. Never try to sell them anything anymore. Just keep in contact with them through updates about you and the company.

Some people take more effort to close. just persevere and your efforts may just be paid off. - 15485

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