Thursday, January 1, 2009

iBuzz Pro Voice Broadcasting Software - Hot Lead Magnet

By Matthew Loop

The most cost effective way for publicizing your product now, is the method of iBuzz Pro ( iBuzzPro ) voice broadcasting. Among all the methods available, this is one method, which has proved to be the most effective over the time.

Before we talk anymore about iBuzz Pro voice broadcasting let us first throw some light on the validity of the aspect of publicizing your product. As said before, publicity is the lifeline of any business venture, be it network marketing, home based business, multi level marketing, consumer good production or any other form. The basic idea behind advertisement is to publicize your products or your business opportunities, to let the people know about your venture.

Dale Carnegie, a very famous network marketer, once upon a time had stated that, there is a very simple law, which can ensure your success if you follow it, and the law is known as the ?laws of averages. According to this law your success in any field of business, depends upon your speed with which you reach out to different customer in a given mount of time.

This law despite being very simple, is unbelievably effective, the reason behind being, that the more people know about your product, the more the chances that they will opt in for your product. I mean they will never opt for your product if they do not know that it exists.

There are people who spend a lot of money behind advertising their products, but seldom do they meet with desired number of leads. Some of the commonly used techniques are post card writing, business letters, pay-per-click and many more. However, apart from being very ineffective these methods also are very expensive and not to mention very time consuming. Especially in the case of pay per click, people end up spending thousands of dollars without even selling a single unit of their product, and let us not go in to the menace of false-clicks that this method often generates. Writing post cards or business letters are also quite tiresome and time-consuming, besides you have to pay a high postal charge.

That is why the new concept of iBuzz Pro voice broadcasting has become so popular with the entrepreneurs these days. In voice broadcasting method you need to record a voice message telling about the details of your business idea or product base and send it to thousands of eager potential customers, with a mere click o your mouse.

Going by the general standard you should be able to speak about your product as much as you can in 30 to 40 seconds at max one minute. In this short a span, you should try to make your offer sound as attractive as it can get. Using a female voice, which is soothing, is always recommended. Do not try to sound too eager, or you may come across to be too pushy, and scare away your prospects. Lastly, you leave a toll free number to which your prospect might call, if they are interested.

So far so good, but the best thing about this way of marketing with ibuzz pro is that, it does not cost you an arm and a leg. The cost run into some cents for each minute of your call, which is pretty low compared to other options. Therefore, to end it up briefly, this way of promotion is very effective and may prove to be the ultimate advertising gig that your venture needed. - 15485

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