Friday, January 2, 2009

Has your network business got you down?

By John Wallen

Has the past year been a bust for you in your home business? Building a solid network isn't easy, but it is the back bone of your business. Well, you won't be the last to look back in tired dissapointment. You've probably lost all your inspiration to keep going, and I understand. That's just the the way it is sometimes.

First let me say. It's not your business that has failed you, it is you that has failed you. We sometimes get these notions in our head that are there because of what your sponsor maybe telling you, or maybe your just listening to yourself to much. And that happens to the best of us.

It seems we can't get out of our own way sometimes, even when there's suspicion about what were doing. You drive yourself hard all daylong, and keep getting the same results. Then one day without question, you give up and never even bother to wonder what could have been done different. But that's the way it is I guess.

Then that feeds our notions some more about staying away from certain things, when in all actuality we should be moving closer. But we are either to stubborn, or can't move past our comfort zone. And it all comes down to one thing; you can only blame yourself if you fail and give up.

I have just the thing you need. Forget about everything and go out have start having some fun again. This is the best thing for the spirit, all work and no play you know. Maybe you should call your upline and tell them to do the same thing. God only know's they have had a terrible year as well, and their just not saying anything. So put on your best and light up the town.

I can really relate, I've been there. I believe my business is the best, and I've looked at many. And no matter what I thought about my business, no one gave a rats pituty. It was not my business opportunity that failed, I failed. So take some time, kick back and relax, enjoy life for a change.

When you get back to feeling energized, and all the negative vibes are gone. Think about this. I became successful almost overnight when I realized I can't sell a thing. I am not a salesman. So think about that, and maybe give your business another shot. - 15485

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