Friday, January 2, 2009

Getting to the Root Cause of Cellulite

By Patricia Hammond

One of the major causes of insecurity in people is having cellulites. Anyone with cellulite would simply wish to cover up even at the beach. More determined individuals however are set on getting rid of cellulite. Understanding the main cause of cellulite is the first key to helping prevent or get rid of cellulite.

Spotting Cellulite

Cellulite is that dimpling, clustered, soft and tiny bumps and lumps under the skin. Cellulite is often found on the buttocks and thighs. It was believed for some time that cellulite was a disorder among fat women. It has since been established however that cellulite can also be found among thin women and sometimes even among men. Thin people can often find out if they have cellulite by pinching the skin in between the thumb and forefinger. Dimpled pinched skin is a sign that there is cellulite underneath that thin appearance.

Fats and Cellulite

Cellulite is mainly caused by body fats. Underneath the skin are collagen connective tissues that separate the fat into honeycomb compartments. These connective tissues also connect body fats with skin tissues. The fats in the compartments may begin to expand due to weight gain or increased water retention, making the connective tissues expand. When the tissues have expanded beyond their capacity, they will harden and make the skin inflexible. When this happens, the fat will begin to spill over, resulting in a lumpy appearance.

Cellulite Cause Theories

There are various theories as to the cause of cellulite or why fats begin to accumulate as they do. Genes and hormone levels may cause cellulite. There may be no way to avoid cellulite if you are genetically predisposed to develop them.

Cellulite can develop mainly during puberty and pregnancy where women are experiencing erratic changes in their hormone level. Increased levels of estrogen may be a cause of cellulite production.

Another possible cause of cellulite is having poor blood circulation. It is generally accepted that healthy blood flow helps in the elimination of body waste including excess body fats. Blood circulation may be impeded by a tremendous lack of body movement compounded by a diet that is high in fats. A general lack of exercise and a poor diet therefore may result in poor blood circulation and poor fat burn up that may lead to cellulite production.

One other theory for the cause of cellulite is called the free radical theory. Our body may contain excessive amounts of free radicals which may attack other cells in the body. This may cause damage to the circulatory system and to the skin organ itself. Damage to the circulatory system may mean less efficiency in body waste disposal and less chances of vitamins and minerals being transported to body cells and tissues. Damage to the skin may result in a reduction in collagen and elastin thereby speeding up the visible effects of cellulite.

Cellulite and Treatment

Some individuals may recommend taking pills or oral medication to reduce or eliminate cellulite. Oral treatments however may not be completely effective. The damage to the circulatory system may prevent the effective transport of oral medication. Topical treatments are almost always more effective. Pick a topical treatment that is rich in free radical fighting antioxidants like Revitol to help with proper blood circulation and skin firming. - 15485

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