Friday, January 2, 2009

The Functionality of Eat Stop Eat Concept

By Eric Foreman

Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon has taken the media by a storm the past few months. If you have come across his website, then you probably have the idea that it is a "lose fat without diet" approach. It could NOT be further from the truth. Read this Eat Stop Eat review for more details on the system.

Many religions have been following fasting for quite a while. Some even fast for months from dusk till evening for like a month. Intermittent fasting has been mentioned here and there as well in terms of fitness but Eat Stop Eat has taken it a step further, and you are going to find out how.

Do you know who came up with the "eat 5 to 6 meals a day" approach? It was called the "bodybuilders secret" since bodybuilders used to eat more frequently to manage high calorie intakes to maintain muscle mass. It was easy for them since they needed to go over 3000 calories, but imagine splitting a 1600 calorie diet to 5 meals? The Eat Stop Eat diet breaks this law and you'll get more theory about this proof in the book.

"Starvation Mode" as you all know by now is simply a myth put forward by the health industry to make money out of it by selling their meal replacement products. People need convenience when they discover that eating 6 meals a day is the only way to get ripped, but it's just another lie!

Eat Stop Eat is a new approach that breaks this theory by stating that there is no such thing as starvation mode. Fasting for 24 hours gives your body the break required to accelerate fat loss. Consider this calculation - You need to burn 3500 calories every week to safely burn 1 to 2 lbs of pure fat. You fast for 24 hours, 2 days a week and you just saved yourself 3400 to 3600 calories!

Eat Stop Eat will not make you lose muscle but if you want to burn more fat, you need to do at least 3 strength training workouts per week. This way you keep the muscle and watch that felt just come off the body using this flexible method.

There is one special advantage to the Eat Stop Eat diet. There is no necessity to count carbs or watch the food you shove into your mouth. Even though eating clean will definitely boost fat loss, you don't have to fear processed carbs or your favourite food anymore by blaming "diet". As long as you perform at least one 24 hour fast per week with 3 intense resistance training sessions per week, you are good to go with your fat loss goals. - 15485

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