Friday, January 2, 2009

The Criticalness of Homeowners Insurance and Renter's Insurance

By Michael Deangelo

Home Owners Insurance is needed to protect your investment of your home and the property inside of your home. This protects you from fire, natural disasters, and home burglaries. In order to own a home it is a requirement to have home owners insurance. This is for your own safety, and it will cover the amount owed to the bank, or the cost to rebuild your home.

Renters insurance is sometimes required by landlords for the renters. This protects the property inside the home in case of any of the reasons mentioned above. Whether it is required or not, you should have it for your own protection. It is not that expensive, and can help you to replace your things in case of a disaster or a theft.

You should have your property insured for replacement value. In the case of your home that should be what the cost would be to rebuild your home. As for contents for both renters and owners that should be what it would cost to replace the items in your home such as furnishings and appliances. If you have collections of fine art, jewelry or other collectibles you should have them itemized and have appraisals or receipts for these items.

It is a good idea to shop around for the best coverage for your money. It also helps to make sure that you have extra measures taken in your home to help lower your insurance costs such as alarm systems, good door locks, newer windows and doors, smoke alarms, and fire extinguishers. A Fire Proof Safe for valuables is also a good idea. This can help to reduce your premiums.

Often if you use the same insurance company for all of your needs like health, life, home, and auto insurance you will receive a good discount on your premium. This is a great way to save especially if you already have good insurance with them. Insurance in a necessity not an option in these uncertain days and times, with the natural disasters and the crime rates up.

The main thing is to make sure you are insured. It is important, because if some tragedy does strike and you have no insurance, you have lost everything, and if you are buying your home, you will still owe that loan. You will have no money to rebuild, and everything you had in the home will be gone as well. Get the insurance and have peace of mind. - 15485

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