Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Business Opportunity Marketing Secrets - Triple Your Recruiting

By Kylon Trower

Here's something that will blow your mind that most people never seem to realize. Now I'm a part of several social communities and networks and I see it all the time when it comes to business opportunity marketing? I call it the "Show up and throw up" approach.

There's nothing quite like getting bombarded by dozens of eager new marketers promoting their new business opportunities without understanding the fundamental basis for business, TRUST. This simple but powerful concept makes all the difference in the world when it comes to promoting anything, especially a business opportunity.

STOP and ask yourself this question? Would you join business with someone you knew nothing about? I hope your answer is a resounding NO. See, partnering in business is like marriage and business opportunity marketing is the dating process.

I want you to listen closely because once you understand this you will have massive success. Your business opportunity is similar to inheriting a fortune from a distant relative. Starting a date by sharing this information is the wrong way to start.

You'll find out that many greedy, self serving people may jump at the opportunity to get hitched based on your new inheritance. The problem is, these are not people you want to marry (or partner in business with) if you want any chance of having a lasting (profitable) relationship.

Here's the secret to business opportunity marketing success. Lead with YOU. Your personality, your likes, your beliefs, your dreams. These are things that will allow your prospect to get to know and become attracted to YOU.

Once they are attracted, then you have the power to make the decision if they are what YOU are looking for in a business partner. Marrying on the first date is a recipe for disaster. The proper use of attraction when marketing you business opportunity is the recipe for massive success.

Learn the incredible power of the attraction marketing blueprint watch your business explode. It's almost like turning on a faucet and breaking the handle, you just can't stop the flow once it gets started. - 15485

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